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EOE open canned milk should pay attention to what


     Open milk seem easy simple fact that it is a step must not be lost. Note the use of non easy open pull-type aluminum cans of infant formula, in turn attention to what it should be? Here's the cover by a professional production of various beverages, aluminum and tinplate EOE EOE - Dongguan Real Connaught Packing Co. to serve you simply talk about, I hope for your help.

    1. Do not paddling back and forth on the aluminum foil with scissors, so easy to fall into the milk in aluminum foil scrap.

    2. Open the tank should be checked before the opener is intact, is clean.

    3. Once opened, it should be all torn clean aluminum foil, not left in the tank.

Turn right method has the following points:

    STEP1 intact and use sharp scissors or cutter, before opening with a clean, lint-free paper or cloth to gently wipe the surface of the blade is not repeated, observe whether there is no fiber sheet metal shavings and edge whether flash or dents.

    STEP2 when open cans, use aluminum foil cutter or scissors in the middle is not repeated gently cut open, hands clenched end opening, tear along the tank wall, try to force uniform worn off aluminum foil to prevent debris.

   STEP3 If you purchased a dress of milk, a bag when applied scissors along the edge of the composite membrane sealing cut is not repeated, so as not to fall into the milk packaging crumbs go. Some parents find handy trick, because every time you take milk to open milk cans, used to milk with a spoon handle to pry open the iron tank lid. This will not only cumbersome, and sometimes can not be found because it is difficult to pry open a spoon.


EOE open canned milk should pay attention to what