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How easy pull cover canned meat pre-cooking

Dongguan firm's packaging co., LTD mainly produces drink easy pull cover, aluminum cover, tinplate easy pull cover products, such as the following by the firm's packaging to make a brief introduction of dongguan easy pull cover what the pre-cooking canned meat

When pre-cooking meat, muscle protein after heated gradually solidified, make part of sarcoplasm of irreversible changes of protein, become insoluble substance. With the coagulation of protein, hydrophilic colloid system damage and lost and losing the ability to hold water, and dehydration. Due to the solidification protein, make muscle tissue closely, make the meat has a certain hardness, easy to cut. At the same time, the muscle after dehydration, enabling flavoring liquid infiltration muscles, to ensure the finished product of solids content. In addition, pre-cooking process can kill a part of the muscles on microbes, helps to sterilization.

In order to reduce the loss of effective substances (water), usually in the canned meat pre-cooking process of raw materials, using fewer batches feeding way, reduce the water temperature fluctuations after feeding, make the surface of the meat protein rapid solidification in high temperature water and form a protective layer and reduce the loss.

How easy pull cover canned meat pre-cooking