Dongguan Real Solutia Inc. continued with the times, strengthen enterprise management, improve sales service system, and improve product quality, product variety and more diverse, and lay a solid foundation for the company to achieve sustainable development in order to achieve industry-leading position. Welcome to the company Micro Signal: Sunocanlid. The following real promise packaging from Dongguan to briefly explain why the EOE canned foods need to be fried
Some products used for frying is dewatered. Fried meat will lose 28% -38% by weight of the starting material, the loss at this time is mainly evaporation of water. Also accounting for the loss of nitrogenous substances meat content of about 2.1%, the loss of mineral content accounted for about 3.1% of the fresh meat; but when fried, foods are fat absorption phenomenon, thus increasing its nutritional value. Fat intake volume average about 3% to 5% by weight of fried meat. Meanwhile, after frying, crisp hard muscle tissue stability, color and flavor are improved. Taste it, taste better.