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EOE goose canning process should pay attention to what


Dongguan City is Connaught Packing Co., Ltd. mainly produce beverage EOE, aluminum easy-open lid, tinplate EOE and other products, following a solid promise from Dongguan package to brief EOE goose canning process should pay attention to some matters:

1. frying goose wings alone, time is 7 ~ 9min, frying process should promptly remove meat scraps and prevent coke bitterness.

2. roast should cook turning frequently to prevent scorching. When cooked roast goose skin inward arrangement can not paste pot, pay attention to the ratio of sauce to meat, or affect the taste and color.

3. canning, canning old goose and goslings amount should be appropriate match.

4. canning, goose skin towards the bottom. Do not touch tank wall goose bone, so as to avoid damage to the tank wall and produce sulfide pollution.

5. seal, canned should be installed upside down basket sterilization.

6. After heated sterilization, cooling should be uniform, slow, too fast to avoid external pressure drop caused by sudden angle.

EOE goose canning process should pay attention to what