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EOE cans visual inspection


      Dongguan, the real promise of the lid is a professional production of beverage EOE, aluminum and iron EOE EOE manufacturer, the company's products attractive appearance fine; design structural precision, good sealing performance, nothing more than diarrhea, not into the air, to ensure product quality and lasting. Here come from Dongguan real promise you a brief visual inspection of the lid cans

    (1) Check the cans airtight performance on 80 water for 1 to 2 minutes, resulting in sealing performance is determined from without bubbles.

    (2) bottom status check whether the irregularities observed phenomena and bottom sealing condition without exception.

    (3) inspection and determination of the degree of vacuum using a special metal bars or wooden hammer tank bottom and lid, from the sound of the vacuum and quality; the degree of vacuum may be measured with a special vacuum table and photovoltaic technology.

     2. Check the insulation will be placed at 25 canned incubated for 5 days and nights, random checks bactericidal effect.

    3. Check the contents sensory testing color, flavor and impurities; consistent observation of the contents and the presence of the opposite sex, mechanical damage and pest spots.

    4.  Two types of corrupt corrupt Check canned canned: First contents due to the action of microorganisms and ruin; the second is the loss of normal state. For food color, quality little change process as defective; appear physically bulging bulging cans or bags, chemical bags bulging cans or expansion, rancidity and corrosion perforation container and other issues, canned goods will lose its value, should be scrapped.

    5. After sufficient cooling canned canned storage warehouse storage. Storage temperature for 4 ~ 10 . High temperature will accelerate the destruction, the temperature is too low contents freeze will occur and affect the quality and flavor. Temperature should not be drastic changes. Library requires about 70% relative humidity. Humidity will cause the outer wall of rusting metal cans. In order to prevent excessive humidity, the library should have good ventilation.


EOE cans visual inspection