Dongguan real promise is a professional production of beverage EOE EOE, aluminum and iron EOE EOE manufacturer, the company's products, with beautiful fine; design structural precision, good sealing performance, nothing more than diarrhea, not into the air, to ensure product quality and lasting. Here come from Dongguan real promise you a brief introduction EOE classification and selection sterilization equipment.
Sterilization equipment according to the processing object can be divided into pressure sterilization equipment and high voltage equipment into two categories; according to the continuity of the sterilization process can be divided into intermittent and continuous sterilization equipment sterilization equipment; depending on the heating medium can be divided into Steam sterilization equipment, immersion-style (too hot) sterilization equipment, sterilization equipment and flame watering sterilization equipment; according to the movement in the sterilization process can be divided into static condition canned sterilization equipment and rotary sterilization equipment. At present, domestic and foreign high-temperature short-time sterilization equipment sterilization forward, energy efficient, a multi-purpose machine, sterilization process control and other aspects of development.
Select the sterilization of equipment, should be considered the scale of production, the production cycle, different specifications of products, investment capacity and other factors of production plants. Production capacity, long production cycle, tank-type specifications and varieties comparison of a single manufacturer, try to use automatic continuous sterilization machine, to ensure the quality of the product. Specifications and varieties for pot changeable, production volume is small, short production cycle manufacturers batch sterilization equipment should be used.
Dongguan real promise the company continued with the times, strengthen enterprise management, improve sales service system, and improve product quality, product variety and more diverse, and lay a solid foundation for the company to achieve sustainable development in order to achieve industry leadership. Welcome to the company Micro Signal: Sunocanlid