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EOE canned food shopping tips


Canned foods are mainly food into cans, and after degassing, sealing, re-heat sterilization in order to achieve the purpose of preservation, sterilization or sealing process so incomplete, canned food easily corrupted and bear edible. When you purchase canned food, it should pay attention to what matters, the following professional production of beverage caps, aluminum and tinplate EOE safe side - packing plant in Dongguan real promise to provide you a brief introduction, I hope for your help .

1, whether pot normal? If you purchase canned foods and found that expansion raised caps, cans or recessed cans elastic case, do not buy.

2, if there is rust or scratches? Canned rusty cans can cause perforation, microbes can easily enter the food corruption. Scratch cans seams distort or canned heavy concave tank, probably in the handling or storage, the collision scratch, in order to ensure the quality of safety, it is best not to buy this type of canned food.

3, whether canned seal very close? There is no juice flowing? Pick up the cans, gently shake, if juices flowing, then seal is not tight. Seal is not tight, microbes can easily access the contents were contaminated, these cans do not buy.

4, additives will specify certain additives canned added on some cans labeled, as long as compliance, consumers can feel at ease to eat, is not harmful to humans.

5, the production date and shelf life used to determine the date of production is not the only indicator of canned good or bad quality, because quality and variety of environmental factors during storage cans also have a great relationship. Some canned expiry date will be marked, if not marked clearly has expired or canned, do not buy.

6, glass bottles, canned fruits and vegetables Also note: Stainless Lid should close, the contents of shape complete, clear and transparent liquid, such as soups.


EOE canned food shopping tips